Welcome to the Rajkovic Lab
We are a highly collaborative lab, interested in bringing together diverse people and cutting edge technologies in order to understand and treat human reproductive diseases.
We are deeply interested in exploring various -OMIC technologies in order to further the horizons of genetic testing and improve our abilities to diagnose and treat female reproductive disease, ovarian developmental insufficiency, and recurrent early miscarriages.
We also study uterine leiomyomas, better known as uterine fibroids, a condition that affects over 25% of American women. We discovered Med12, a gene implicated in this disease, and are currently investigating its role in treating symptomatic women.

Our interests lie in basic and translational research in the area of reproductive genetics. We study reproductive tract pathologies in the context of developmental biology. We use both human studies and animal models to discover genes relevant to human pathologies.  Our studies aim to reveal mechanisms of reproductive tract development as well as diagnostic and therapeutic targets for reproductive pathologies such as ovarian failure, uterine fibroids, and reproductive tract cancers.