
Aleksandar Rajkovic, PhD, MD

Chief Genomics Officer

Aleksandar Rajkovic is a Professor of Pathology and Obstetrics/Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences. He is a Stuart Lindsay Distinguished Professor in Experimental Pathology I. He serves as the UCSF Chief Genomics Officer and is the Medical Director and Chief of the Center for Genetic and Genomic Medicine (CGGM) that organizes, coordinates and oversees Clinical Genetics and Genomics Services across the entire UCSF Health System. He also serves as the Director of the Genomic Medicine Initiative.

Shweta Belur

Staff Research Associate 2

Shweta Belur earned her BS in Molecular Environmental Biology and Developmental genetics, and a BA in English Literature from the University of California, Berkeley in 2018. In her undergraduate career, she worked in a variety of basic science laboratories, studying organisms ranging from mice to Sequoias. Upon graduation, Shweta began to work at the Rajkovic lab as Staff Research Associate II to learn more about the translational aspect of medical research.

Jyoti Goad, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar

Jyoti attended Panjab University, Chandigarh for her undergraduate and Masters studies in Microbiology. She received her Ph.D. in Medical Biochemistry from the University of Newcastle, Australia where she worked in the lab of Pradeep Tanwar studying the role Wnt signaling pathway in uterine development and endometrial cancer. She is now interested in understanding the role of Med12 in the leiomyoma formation and female fertility.  

Beatriz Rodriguez Alonso, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar

As a postdoctoral researcher within Rajkovic’s lab, Beatriz participates in different projects which approach the study of reproduction from the genomics perspective. Her current position in basic research along with her experience as a clinical embryologist in the field of human reproduction gives her a unique perspective to understand the clinical needs and the current state of the knowledge in embryology. Her goals is to combine the strengths of her background directing her career towards the reproductive translational research field.